Friday 26 October 2012

Why I Made This Blog

     Hello people.....=D This time I'm just gonna say some things to clarify why I made this blog. One, I love food and of course you all do too right??, I wanted to share with y'all the type of food I've tried or love to eat so that maybe you would like to try it as well. Sharing is Caring.

     Two, I know some are very particular about their money. Kinda like me. Sometimes when I see something (new food), I would like to try it if it looks Yummy to me. But then, a thought will come to my mind, "Will it taste good??" & "If it taste bad, I would've wasted my money on it" & also if it really did not suit your tastebuds --> "It is such waste to throw this" & you have to finish it up or find someone to eat it for you. And so I thought why not share what I think of the food so that more or less, my opinion can help you to choose whether to try it or give you the rough idea on how it will taste.

     Hm....guess that's the main reason why I wanted to make this Blog. So anyway, I hope my blog is able to help you and give you some knowledge of the food & BON APPETITE FOOD LOVERS.......^ <3 ^

Let's Be Proud To Be Called The Lovers Of Yummies......hahahahahahaa XD

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