Saturday 24 November 2012

Nestle Mat Kool Vanilla Choco

Nestle Mat Kool Vanilla Choco

Net Content : 1.5 L


The chocolate taste overwhelms the vanilla. =___=......seriously.......but overall, nice ice cream flavour. I mean it doesn't taste funny or fake.

BOH 3in1 Instant Tea Mix (Less Sugar + Caramel Flavour)

BOH 3in1 Instant Tea Mix (Less Sugar + Caramel Flavour)

Net Weight : 19 g


Very strong caramel scent the moment I poured hot water to it. I'm currently having stuffy nose yet the scent is clearly sensed by my nose. LOL......that proves how strong it is. The taste is mostly caramel.....can't really taste the tea in fact. Kinda make me think that I'm drinking caramel + milk. Still prefer the original though.

BOH 3in1 Instant Tea Mix (Less Sugar + Vanilla Flavour)

BOH 3in1 Instant Tea Mix (Less Sugar + Vanilla Flavour)

Net Weight : 19 g


Bought this cause the original one was all sold out. =( But anyhow, this taste great......=) Even with my added sugar, it still does not taste as sweet as the original. So......less sugar is definitely true...... XD (btw.....kinda taste a little like caramel to me)

F&N 100 Plus Original

F&N 100 Plus Original

Net Content : 325 ml


Not sure if this is true but here it is said that if you have an upset stomach, drink this and it will be okay.....not a cold one of course. Anyway, this drink tasted a little salty so I love drinking it whether I need to or not. Since this is an energy drink........can we over-drink this....??

Saturday 17 November 2012

Eurotech Pure Reverse Osmosis Water

Eurotech Pure Reverse Osmosis Water

Net Content : 220 ml there any that is not halal......?? Bought from Cambodia. Somehow it tasted a little sour to me. Huh...........O__o

Poca Nori Seaweed Flavour

Poca Nori Seaweed Flavour

Net Weight : Unknown (forget to jolt it down, sorry)

Halal or not......not sure. My parents just went to Cambodia and bought this chips there. The taste, its kinda like sour cream & garlic potato chips. It is very similar to it. But I think this one is a lot more sour.

Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew

Net Content : 325 ml


Ever tried the carbonated drink called the Kickapoo Juice? Well, this tasted quite similar to it in my opinion. My brother doesn't like it. He said its sour, kinda like a lemon.

Fresh Up Lemon Tea

Fresh Up Lemon Tea

Net Weight : 20 g


Very nice drink. I followed exactly the instruction at the back (150 ml of water, maybe mine was a little like 200 ml) & 3 to 4 cube of ices. Such strong taste of lemon and tea. Just perfect. Loving it.

Cremo Trio Vanilla and Strawberry Flavoured Ice Confection Coat with Chocolate

Cremo Trio Vanilla and Strawberry Flavoured Ice Confection Coat with Chocolate

Net Content : 75 ml


Again.......=___= dislike the strawberry flavour.....tasted so fake. And I didn't even tasted the vanilla. I didn't feel it at all.......HAH?? Even the chocolate coat is like so tasteless. Never buying this again. Total disappointment.

Heaven and Earth Ice Lemon Tea

Heaven and Earth Ice Lemon Tea

Net Content : 300 ml


This canned ice lemon tea has a more powerful taste of lemon. Overall, not bad. I like it. =D

Jack 'N Jill Cloud 9 Strawberry

Jack 'N Jill Cloud 9 Strawberry

Net Weight : 13 g


Oh my goodness........It's so sweet.......>x< and the strawberry flavour is like so much that of a chewing gum. I felt like I'm eating a chewing gum at that time. (force myself to finish it cause it'll be a waste to throw it, my main reason I made this blog, to prevent food wastage)

Jack 'N Jill Roller Coaster Caramel Potato Rings

Jack 'N Jill Roller Coaster Caramel Potato Rings

Net Weight : 100 g


A very plain potato flavor with sugar. That's how I can summarize it. Lost my appetite after eating it. And its not even full. It's only like 70% full. =____='' hhhmmmm.......

Saturday 10 November 2012

Hershey's Kisses Milk Chocolate

Hershey's Kisses Milk Chocolate

Net Weight : 310 g

Just as it stated, milk chocolate...just the perfect bite size chocolate. Help in controlling its intake for dieting...?? Haha....didn't worked for me though......XD (not sure if Halal)

Maggi Cream of Chicken Soup

Maggi Cream of Chicken Soup

Net Weight : 60 g


Quite similar to Campbell's but lacking in its soup consistency. You can add some cream corn & egg to it to make it more bit-able...?? But overall, I like it.

Nona Guava Flavour Pudding

Nona Guava Flavour Pudding

Net Weight : 85 g


Ever had the Guava cordial?? It's similar to this but this has a more milky flavour to it. Again, this is also one of my favourite flavour. I have three actually, coconut, guava & honey dew flavours are the best tasting one to me.

Indocafe 3in1 Coffeemix

Indocafe 3in1 Coffeemix

Net Weight : 20 g


Probably the best 3in1 I've ever tasted. The taste does not overwhelmed you. But some of my friend are unable to cope with the caffeine so they were up all night even though their eyes were tired. So...beware..??

Lady's Choice Chocolate Coated Rice Crisp Peanut Butter

Lady's Choice Chocolate Coated Rice Crisp Peanut Butter

Net Weight : 300 g


I like anything chocolate with peanut so this is a definite peanut butter flavour to my liking. I like it best when you toast the bread and spread some butter on it before spreading the peanut butter.....such homey flavour.....aaahhhh......I can't describe it......the feeling of eating something so sweet, sticky, gummy when it melts with the toast is just so soothing. *x*

Maggi Tom Yam Flavour

Maggi Tom Yam Flavour

Net Weight : 90 g


My favourite Maggi flavour....^^ I can't get addictive to this flavour...spiciness level...3/10. It tasted even and I mean a lot better with egg with lots of soup...really really delicious.

Nona Honey Dew Flavour Pudding

Nona Honey Dew Pudding

Net Weight : 85 g


Just like the honey dew juice or ice of my favourite flavour of pudding......^___^ Delicious even when can also add fresh cream to it....

Thursday 1 November 2012

Miaow Miaow Tapoka (Tapioca Crisp With Chilli)

Miaow Miaow Tapoka (Tapioca Crisp With Chilli)

Net Weight : 50 g


Spiciness level.....5/10 so those who can't stand spicy food. Prepare a bottle of water nearby. Hehe..... Regarding its amount, you see the packaging?? It's not even half of it. BOO.......!!!! Finished it up in minutes......disappointing.....but it taste good though. Slight sweetness & tons of spiciness. Careful again.

Nestle Koko Krunch

Nestle Koko Krunch

Net Weight : 330 g


Taadddaaaa.............the most famous cereal in matter what your age is, this is still hard to resist. ^___^ I like to either add fresh milk, condensed sweet milk + hot water or sugar + hot water. You can even add Milo, powdered milk or soy milk if you wish and it still taste great. Obviously you can also eat it at its own. Sometimes I even put oat in it & mixed it with other cereals. Yummy.......

Nestle Milo Hi-Fibre

Nestle Milo Hi-Fibre

Net Weight : 34 g


Very light texture than the normal Milo. But yeah......I still like to add some sugar to it. Hehehehehe.......

Miaow Miaow Cuttlefish Flavoured Crackers

Miaow Miaow Cuttlefish Flavoured Crackers

Net Weight : 60 g


It has some reds on it which made me think it was spicy but in fact, it was not. It was rather sweet and made me loose some interest in eating it (gave it to my friends to finish up). Cuttlefish flavor....mmm........not that strong. It's almost like you eating something sweet but the taste is normal. Do you get what I'm trying to say? I don't know about others but you can say that this is too plain for me.

Monday 29 October 2012

Maggi Fried Noodle Delicious Chilli Flavor

Maggi Fried Noodle Delicious Chilli Flavor

Net Weight : 78 g


Hm.....this is suppose to be spicy but I don't feel it. Sad. And it tasted more sourly than spicy. Even the noodle is so little....I don't mean the size......the amount is so Unsatisfying. I think I may need 3 of this to have a semi-full stomach.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Nestle Tropical Fruits Ice Cream

Nestle Tropical Fruits Ice Cream

Net Content : 1.5 L


Very refreshing ice cream. =) It tasted even better on a hot day. The taste is quite similar to the normal tropical fruits beverage so no worries about whether or not it taste any weird than normal.

Baileys Original Irish Cream With A Hint Of Mint Chocolate

Baileys Original Irish Cream With A Hint Of Mint Chocolate

Net Content : 1 L

Of course this is definitely not Halal. My mum likes this and technically, I don't drink. So, its to say that I didn't actually drank it but more of a sip. And boy it tasted awful.......BITTER..... (I don't like better things). I know alcohols are suppose to be bitter & this contains 17% alcohol.

At first it smelled nice. I mean it smelled like a very milky & thick cappuccino. And yeah.....its texture is kinda milky.

Friday 26 October 2012

Oreo Double Flavor Sandwich Grape + Peach

Oreo Double Flavor Sandwich Grape + Peach

Net Weight : 106 g

Non Halal Logo is absent so no guarantee. Regarding the taste, it kinda taste like chewing gum and smell like one. Kinda weird to me. Have you ever tasted a type of chewing gum that is about the size of a normal dice and the packaging is Barbie. The chewing gum color is pink and green also. One other thing, even though the  biscuit cream color looks bright on the packaging.....its is quite pale and its not so sweet like a chewing gum. I would not eat it (just tried half of the cookie & disliked it) again cause it taste weird. Don't know bout y'all but yeahh.......its like I'm eating the not so sweet chewing gum.

Why I Made This Blog

     Hello people.....=D This time I'm just gonna say some things to clarify why I made this blog. One, I love food and of course you all do too right??, I wanted to share with y'all the type of food I've tried or love to eat so that maybe you would like to try it as well. Sharing is Caring.

     Two, I know some are very particular about their money. Kinda like me. Sometimes when I see something (new food), I would like to try it if it looks Yummy to me. But then, a thought will come to my mind, "Will it taste good??" & "If it taste bad, I would've wasted my money on it" & also if it really did not suit your tastebuds --> "It is such waste to throw this" & you have to finish it up or find someone to eat it for you. And so I thought why not share what I think of the food so that more or less, my opinion can help you to choose whether to try it or give you the rough idea on how it will taste.

     Hm....guess that's the main reason why I wanted to make this Blog. So anyway, I hope my blog is able to help you and give you some knowledge of the food & BON APPETITE FOOD LOVERS.......^ <3 ^

Let's Be Proud To Be Called The Lovers Of Yummies......hahahahahahaa XD

Ibumie Fried Noodle Prawn Flavor

Ibumie Fried Noodle Prawn Flavor

Net Weight : 80g


Absolutely yummy. I can eat 2 to 3 packet at one go. XD Spicy but on my scale of spiciness, 3 out of 10. But remember, I have a high tolerate to spicy food. Just in case you didn't read the post "Me & My Tastebuds".

Ibumie Fried Noodle Original Flavor

Ibumie Fried Noodle Original Flavor

Net Weight : 80g


Salty and strong taste of Black Soy Sauce. Delicious if you add an half fried egg on top of it before eating it.

Loacker Minis Napolitaner

Loacker Minis Napolitaner

Net Weight : Unknown (biscuit length about 5cm)

Again. Not sure if this is Halal. But the flavor is quite subtle and I can eat a lot of it. It just taste so good. Not too sweet. Just perfect. =)

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Twix Snack Size

Twix Snack Size

Net Weight : 10g

Oh.....delicious piece of chocolate + biscuit & Caramel. Not too sweet cause it is balance off with the biscuit flavor and the caramel isn't over sweetened too. Love it. Very light to eat.

Bounty Minis

Bounty Minis

Net Weight : 28.5g

Halal is not stated. Sweet tasting coconut shreds (kinda like shredded coconut in Melaka Brown Sugar). Um......that's about it then. =)

Saturday 20 October 2012

Hershey's Miniatures

Hershey's Miniatures

Net Weight : 340g

Has 4 varieties of chocolates in it. Again. Halal logo is not present.

Top Right : Milk Chocolate

Top Left : Special Dark Mildly Sweet Chocolate (same as the kisses I've post recently)

Bottom Right : Chocolate and Peanuts (has small tiny bits of peanuts and the chocolate is like peanut butter mixed into it)

Bottom Left : Chocolate with Crisped Rice (not grain rice, you get what I mean right?)

Hershey's Kisses Special Dark Mildly Sweet Chocolate

Hershey's Kisses Special Dark Mildly Sweet Chocolate

Net Weight : 340g

We bought this during our trip to Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan last time. Not sure if it's Halal because it was not stated in the packaging. Hm......dark chocolate.....has a strong chocolate taste (less milk I presume) and is a little bitter. Just a little. No worries.....^o^

Friday 19 October 2012

Me & My Tastebuds

     Hello everyone....=D this time my post is about my taste in food. Just wanted to tell you guys a little about what I like about the food I eat. I don't want people to think that I am literally trying to sabotage or talk bad about some food so I posting this in hoping you know my intentions are. I am just stating my opinion of the food I've tasted. So, if I had offended anyone, My Sincerest Apology. Please forgive me 'kay? I mean you no harm.

Sweetness :

     I like my food to be sweet if it is a desert type such as ice cream, chocolate, drinks, fruits, etc. If its food like vegetables or other meaty stuff, I rather it not being sweet. Doesn't seem quite right to me.

Saltiness :

     I love my food to be salty but of course not too much cause that won't be healthy now is it?? my country, we have this drink called Kit Chai Ping which is a Calamansi lime with some salty sour dried Plum or Peach (we called that Ah Moi ^__^), some stall's Kit Chai Ping taste plain so I like to add some salt to it to get the right taste. Is that nuts?? Nah......or maybe I am Nuts.....hahahaha

Spiciness :

     I LOVE spicy food.....quite a resistant to it too....but I not quite sure about the Chilli that the people of America eat though. Is it really Hot?? I hope to try it one day. Um....some food to most people are so spicy that they teared up and sweat a lot but to me its nothing. And for those food that has some spiciness in it, a few of my friends says its a little spicy but I can't taste any spiciness at all. Guess my level of spiciness resistant is higher than theirs.

Sourness :

     I love to eat Ah Moi. It's my favorite and I can eat a lot of it before I need water to quench my thirst from the sourness and saltiness effect of it. But people say that you shouldn't eat too much of it in one go. It just might sterilize you........NO!!!! I Want Babies!!! LOL

Bitterness :

     I hate bitter food. If I have to eat bitter gourd, I'd swallow it cause if I chew it, I'd lose my appetite. (hm.....may be a great way to diet??) Medicine......aaahhhh........really dislike those that are liquid. I prefer those that requires you to swallow. No bitter or funny taste residue left in the mouth....hehe

** Well...that's all then. Bye everyone. =))

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Super 5in1 Cereal Spirulina & Oat Flavor

Super 5in1 Cereal Spirulina & Oat Flavor

Net Weight : 35g


A Spirulina drink with oat. Very nice taste and sweet even without adding sugar to it. Last time I took it supplement and it even reduces my acne and pimple problems. Even my dark eye circles were gone. Wow!!

**Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids, antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage (from google)

Nesvita 3in1 Oat

Nesvita 3in1 Oat

Net Weight : 30g


Original Nestum with some Oat. The oat tend to sink to the bottom and you have to add really hot water to it so that it expanded right.

Ayamas Chilli Sauce

Ayamas Chilli Sauce

Net Weight : 260g


This is I got it for free when I went to the entrepreneurship seminar held by my university. And...I LOVE IT. If you ever come here to Malaysia, you should try our Nasi Ayam or Chicken Rice. However, different stall my have their own flavor to it. But this sauce is most likely to be similar to those Nasi Ayam from a Chinese stall. You can really smell the scent of garlic, ginger and chilli from it but the strongest smell is that of ginger.

Maggi Garlic Chilli Sauce

Maggi Garlic Chilli Sauce

Net Weight : 305g


Good dose of spiciness in it. I like this flavor but my family members dislike it. They prefer the original flavor chilli sauce. It does not have a strong smell of garlic but if you smell it directly and up close.....Duh.....of course it has. LOL. Maybe that's what my family dislike about it. Never really bother to ask them why because all they say is, it taste different. Oh well...I like to taste new flavor of food and came to like this one.

Biogrow Oat Bran Powder

Biogrow Oat Bran Powder

Net Weight : 420g

I'm not sure if this is Halal since I can''t find the Halal logo on it. Furthermore, this is imported from Sweden. Hehe...this is both food and drink. You can consume it directly or add water to it or add it into you drink or soup, yogurt, juices or cereal ,etc. (you can read it in the directory part.) Once you add it, the drink (I do not dare to put in into other stuff other than my drinks but not in my juice) will get sticky and gooey....get it?? It may even look like your mucus.....hahahahaha........seriously.....just the consistency though. hehe......but its good for those who are trying to watch their cholesterol level. It is vegetarian and lactose intolerant individuals friendly too. will alter the taste a little bit, okay?

Top View

Nesvita 3in1 Original

Nesvita 3in1 Original

Net Weight : 28g


The orignal Nestum flavor. Its a drink so if you're planning on turning it into food, it will be too sweet since you will be putting less water to it to make it porridge like texture. Anyway, a good way to drink it is to blend it with hot water first to mix it well then add some cold water or ice and blend it again. Milkshake it. Very milky and relaxing flavor especially during a hot day.

Rico Prawn Stick

Rico Prawn Stick

Net Weight :  10g


I don't really like this. I like my crackers to be salty. Not Sweet. Since it is sweet, you can't really taste the prawn flavor and it kinda have this slight spicy flavor too. Uhhh.......don't like it at all.

Double Decker Classic Chicken Flavor

Double Decker Classic Chicken Flavor

Net Weight : 40g


This is even if it gets aired out too long, it is still consumable if you suck on it till it dissolve. Haha....seriously, its still taste good. And it can be very addictive by its taste too.

Double Decker Classic Prawn Crackers

Double Decker Classic Prawn Crackers

Net Weight : 60g


The taste of artificial prawn flavor but its okay. Won't get addictive to eat this though (that's good). Has a very strong smell to it that my mother dislike it and if I wanted to eat it in the car, she'll get mad. Hehe..... Its not so good to be consume once it gets air in it.

BOH 3in1 Instant Tea Mix Original

BOH 3in1 Instant Tea Mix Original

Net Weight : 20g


Ohh....I like this one a lot. A very soothing taste and milky yet you can still taste the caffeine in it. I still add sugar to mine though. But on its own, it is quite light.